Interview with Franck Sauer - March 2002
Interview with Franck Sauer - March 2002

Technical : Will the fuzzy kinematic effect still be in The Lost Paradise (TLP), as it was in Outcast ?

  Franck Sauer : It's not planned for the moment but we have other effects like motion blur and glows. : Music and sounds played a key role in Outcast. PS2 uses the DTS sound format, which is 5 to 10 times more efficient than the 5.1 format. Some PC soundcards can decode DTS. Will you consider this for the PC version ? As this format needs a DVD support for the PC, do you think of doing a DVD version of TLP ?

  Franck Sauer : For the moment, only the PS2 version is planned with surround sound (analogic or digital depending on the connection) The PC version will be in stereo.

  For manufacturing costs, the best would be that the PC version uses the CD support rather than the DVD but we don't know if it will hold. : Because TLP uses a polygonal engine, will maps be smaller than in Outcast ?

  Franck Sauer : No.

Gameplay : What about the cinemascope option ? Will there still be " in-game " videos ?

  Franck Sauer : Of course. Besides we will propose a 16:9 rendering of the game on PS2 for those who have this type of TV screen. : On one of the picture of the Appeal team we can see a MP5 on the ground. Will TLP weapons be realistics or will they keep a " sci-fi " look ? Will weapons be more important in TLP, like in FPS games ?

  Franck Sauer : Well spotted! Yes we bought a serie of fake weapons for motion capture for a more precise modelisation. But the weapons used are a version of the "future" of these conventionnal weapons. But besides these weapons rather conventional, it will be the own means of the planet which will be really science-fiction with effects everywhere... I won't say anymore for the moment. : We know that the game controls for Cutter will be an improved version from those in Outcast, can you tell us more about that ? What kind of new actions will Cutter be able to perform ?

  Franck Sauer : Push/pull objects, carry, walking on a catwalk... in fact a more complete contextual action system. : Have you kept both the first and third person views to play Cutter ? Is the first person view improved in comparison with Outcast ?

  Franck Sauer : For the moment we only have the 3d person view. But the principal problem of Outcast's 1st person view was linked with voxels which limited the inclination angle. : Depending the way we play Cutter or depending the fact we missed an important object (or quest) in some part of the game, could this generate alternative path from the main story ? Besides, will Cutter’s popularity still play a part in the manner to go after main objectives ?

  Franck Sauer : No and Yes.

Scénario : What does the Kronos Project mean exactly ? Will it be included in the game manual ? Will it be included in the game as an intro video ?

  Franck Sauer : It belongs to the story background but it won't be present in the game. Maybe in the official solution or something like that. : Because Kizaar (the women isle) is mentionned to be close of Okasankaar in Outcast, can we expect to see some regions of Outcast again ?

  Franck Sauer : Unfortunately not. All places you will visit will be new. : Some fans begin to complain about TLP script, which seems to become too common and too foreseeable (struggle between goods and villains, without any suprise) What can you reply to that ?

  Franck Sauer : Nothing otherwise it won't be a surprise. : TLP: Outcast has its focus progressively shifted from Outcast so it's not a sequel anymore but a stand alone adventure in order to gather a wide audience. Despite this, will we have the answers to the questions introduced by Outcast: the broken Daoka, the Ancients, the Yods, the way Fae Rhan disappeared, the relic's Talan which gave aked us to meet again in one hundred moons, the characters on the relic, questions which were supposed to be answered, two years ago, in TLP: Outcast. Did you modify the background of Outcast? Or is the goal to disclose all those elements bit by bit to the new players?

  Franck Sauer : All the non-explained elements of Outcast won't have an answer in TLP: Outcast, that's for sure. But nothing which is done for TLP: Outcast will put in question whatever comes from the first title. The objectives are different, but the background is compatible. : Will Daokas still be means of conveyance ?

  Franck Sauer : Yes. But used in a slightly different way to spice the game up... : One of your last update showed a mysterious artwork figuring a Talan woman. Can you tell us more about it ?

  Franck Sauer : No, sorry.

Miscellaneous : Screenshots from the PC version haven’t been shown yet. When can we expect seeing them so as a video to ?

  Franck Sauer : Now, the water is implemented. I'm waiting for the dynamic shadows and then, we promise you the first video (PS2 as always). Then we probably release some hi-res PC screenshots. : Do you have more information about the date of release ?

  Franck Sauer : We are discussing about it at this moment. : Are there more extracts from the Kronos Project to be published ?

  Franck Sauer : No. : Can you tell us more about the departures of Olivier Masclef, Yves Grolet and Douglas Freese who were all essential members of Appeal? What changes do you think it could bring between Outcast and TLP: Outcast?

  Franck Sauer : It's not easy. Olivier helped us a lot for the organisation of the project, Yves for the AI and Doug for the script and the game design. The good news is that Doug will make himself available to help for the dialogs in TLP: Outcast. So, don't panic, Cutter will always be Cutter.
  The departures of Yves and Olivier did slow us a lot, more than we thought at the beginning but now we see the end of the tunnel and with Yann we have a good global vision about the project.

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 Want to take a look at the first draft of the Outcast 2 script and at a new screenshot ?

 Outcast community is still there. A team gives agazork lessons and a RPG project has strated on our forums.

 We made a new section for the fourth part of Kronos Project and appeal released new artworks

 FAQ and second part of Kronos project added, new artworks

 FAQ and technical preview updated

 New artworks added and script section updated.

 New indoor screenshots, FAQ updated

 The Cutter's orange t-shirt of Outcast 1 will be available thanks to a cheat code

 Second batch of screenshots and a new FAQ, by Appeal

 First Outcast 2 screenshots
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